John C. Whitaker (White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files) (2024)

Series I: Chronological File, 1969-1971

Box 1

Chron., Jan.-May 1969, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [1 of 4, January-February 1969]
Chron., Jan.-May 1969, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [2 of 4, March 1969]
Chron., Jan.-May 1969, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [3 of 4, April 1969]
Chron., Jan.-May 1969, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [4 of 4, May 1969]
Chron., June-Dec. 1969 [from CFOA 1223] [1 of 6, June-July 1969]
Chron., June-Dec. 1969 [from CFOA 1223] [2 of 6, August 1969]
Chron., June-Dec. 1969 [from CFOA 1223] [3 of 6, September 1969]
Chron., June-Dec. 1969 [from CFOA 1223] [4 of 6, October 1969]
Chron., June-Dec. 1969 [from CFOA 1223] [5 of 6, November 1969]
Chron., June-Dec. 1969 [from CFOA 1223] [6 of 6, December 1969]

Box 2

Chron., Jan.-Apr. 1970, John C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [1 of 4, January 1970]
Chron., Jan.-Apr. 1970, John C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [2 of 4, February 1970]
Chron., Jan.-Apr. 1970, John C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [3 of 4, March 1970]
Chron., Jan.-Apr. 1970, John C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [4 of 4, April 1970]
Chron., May-August 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [1 of 4, May 1970]
Chron., May-August 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [2 of 4, June 1970]
Chron., May-August 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [3 of 4, July 1970]
Chron., May-August 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [4 of 4, August 1970]
Chron., Sept.-Dec. 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [1 of 4, September 1970]
Chron., Sept.-Dec. 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [2 of 4, October 1970]

Box 3

Chron., Sept.-Dec. 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [3 of 4, November 1970]
Chron., Sept.-Dec. 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1223] [4 of 4, December 1970]
Chron., Jan.-March 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [1 of 3, January 1971]
Chron., Jan.-March 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [2 of 3, February 1971]
Chron., Jan.-March 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [3 of 3, March 1971]

Box 4

Chron., April-June 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [1 of 3, April 1971]
Chron., April-June 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [2 of 3, May 1971]
Chron., April-June 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [3 of 3, June 1971]
Chron., July-Oct. 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [1 of 4, July 1971]
Chron., July-Oct. 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [2 of 4, August 1971]
Chron., July-Oct. 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [3 of 4, September 1971]
Chron., Ju1y-oct. 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [4 of 4, October 1971]
Chron., Nov.-Dec. 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [1 of 2, November 1971]
Chron., Nov.-Dec. 1971, John Whitaker [from CFOA 1222] [2 of 2, December 1971]

Series II: Secretary to the Cabinet File, 1969-1970

Box 5

House Breakfast and Senate Luncheon-Jan. 7, 1969 [from OA 8142]
Williamsburg Meeting, January 15-16, 1969 [from OA 8142] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Business Council Meeting, February 13, 1969 [from OA 8142]
Republican Women's Conf., Wash, D.C., April 14-17, 1969 [from OA 8142]
President's Dinner--May 7, 1969 [from OA 8142]
Advertizing Council, June 9, 10, 1969 [from OA 8142]
Governors Meeting--Monday, May 11, 1970 [from OA 8142]
July 29, [1970], San Clemente Meeting [from OA 8142]

Series III: Presidential Events File, 1969-(1972), 1973

Box 6

President's Fargo Meeting, July 24, 1970 [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential Meeting]--w. Rockefeller w/Pres., Umbrella-- Interstate Compact, Harper, Tuesday, October 13, 1970, 3:30 [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential Meeting]--Gov. Frank Farrar-S. Dakota, Oct. 26, [1970], 3:30-3:45, [Earth Research Satellite Program] [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential Meeting]--Bill Ruckelshaus w/President, EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], Friday, November 6, 1970, 11:45 a.m. [from CFOA 768]
President's Meeting With Secy. Hardin, Monday, November 30, [1970], 11 [a.m.] [from CFOA 768]
President's Meeting with Nat Owings (30 minutes), Russ Train, John Whitaker, Wednesday, December 23, [1970], 11:30 a.m. [land-use policy; transportation policy] [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential Meeting]--National Industrial Pollution Control Council Luncheon-February 10, 1971 [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential Meeting]--President w/Menefee and Waggoner, Thursday, February 25, 1971 [from CFOA 768]
Presidential Trip, Des Moines, Iowa, Monday, March 1, 1971 [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential Meeting]--Energy Policy—Flanigan/Shultz w/President, April 21, 1971, 3:00 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--President w/American Farm Bureau, William Kuhfuss/Roger Fleming, April 26, 1971 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting--President w/Secretary Morton, Ehrlichman/ Whitaker, April 27, 1971 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Dr. Norman Borlaug--Salute to Agriculture, May 6, 1971 [from CFOA 767]

Box 7

[Presidential Trip]--Chopper to Gateway East, Mon., May 10, 1971 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Trip]--Tennessee-Tombigbee Dedication May 25, 1971 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Gov. Luis Ferre, Rosario Trigo, Benigno Trigo w/President [May 28, 1971] [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Trip]--Durham, North Carolina [1970-71] [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Trip]--Tulsa Trip, June 5, 1971 [from CFOA 767] [1 of 2]
[Presidential Trip]--Tulsa Trip, June 5, 1971 [from CFOA 767] [2 of 2]
[Presidential Meeting]--Farm Editors, August 5, 1971 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Farm Groups--Economics, Sept. 14, [1971], 11:00 am [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Trip]--Hanford, Washington, Sept. 26, [1971] [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Secretary Hardin/Butz, November 12, 1971 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Secy. Morton--Big Cypress, November 23, 1971 [from CFOA 7671
[Presidential Meeting] --Secretary Romney w/Pres., January 13, 1972 [from CFOA 767]

Box 8

[Presidential Meeting]--Page Belcher: MacGregor/Butz, January 26, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Advisory Council on Child Nutrition, March 7, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting] -Secy. Morton--Alaska Pipeline, March 27, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Visit to Canada, April 13-15, [1972] [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Farm Family of the Year, June 22, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--FFA [Future Farmers of America]--Gary Atkinson, July 28, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Trip]--Gateway West, [San Francisco], September 5, 1972 [from CFOA 767] [1 of 2]
[Presidential Trip]--Gateway West, [San Francisco], September 5, 1972 [from CFOA 767] [2 of 2]
Pres. Trip to San Francisco, 9/5/72 [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential Meeting]--[Hurricane] Agnes Recovery--Carlucci, September 9, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Russ Train to Russia (Butterfield), September 11, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Secy. Morton/Mrs. Nixon, Parks Centennial, September 14, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--Russ Train--Russian Trip, October 9, 1972 [from CFOA 767]
[Presidential Meeting]--New CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Members [Busterude--Willard], November 3, 1972 [from CFOA 767]

Box 9

[Presidential Trip]--President--Tour on the Environment [1972] [from CFOA 768]
WH Dinners and Entertainment [1971-72] [from CFOA 7671
[Presidential Events, 1970-72] [from CFOA 767] [1 of 3]
[Presidential Events, 1970-72] [from CFOA 767] [2 of 3]
[Presidential Events, 1970-72] [from CFOA 767] [3 of 3]
Presidential Trips [Suggestions] [1971-72] [from CFOA 767] [1 of 2]
Presidential Trips [Suggestions] [1971-72] [from CFOA 767] [2 of 2]

Box 10

Possible Future Presidential Visits [1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [1 of 2]
Possible Future Presidential Visits [1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [2 of 2]
Proposed [Presidential Visits 1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [1 of 3]
Proposed [Presidential Visits 1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [2 of 3]
Proposed [Presidential Visits 1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [3 of 3]
Presidential Visits--Completed [1971-72] [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential]--Proposed Telephone Calls [1971] [from CFOA 768]

Box 11

Presidential Appearances [1971] [from CFOA 768]
Environmental Schedule Proposals [1971-72] [from CFOA 767]
[President's Attendance at Second World Conference on National Parks, 1972] [from CFOA 767]
Presidential State of Union/Environmental Message [1969-70] [from OA 3872] [1 of 6, draft of First Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality, I]
Presidential State of Union/Environmental Message [1969-70] [from OA 3872] [2 of 6, draft of First Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality, II]
Presidential State of Union/Environmental Message [1969-70] [from OA 3872] [3 of 6, draft of First Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality, III]
Presidential State of Union/Environmental Message [1969-70] [from OA 3872] [4 of 6]

Box 12

Presidential State of Union/Environmental Message [1969-70] [from OA 3872] [5 of 6]
Presidential State of Union/Environmental Message [1969-70] [from OA 3872] [6 of 6]
Presidential Environmental Message/State [of the] Union [1969-70] [from OA 3872] [1 of 4, correspondence, November 1969--January 1970]
Presidential Environmental Message/State [of the] Union [1969-70] [2 of 4, correspondence, October 1969--Apri1 1970, I]
Presidential Environmental Message/State [of the] Union [1969-70] [3 of 4, correspondence, October 1969--Apri1 1970, II]
Presidential Environmental Message/State [of the] Union [1969-70] [4 of 4, correspondence, October 1969--April 1970, III]

Box 13

[Presidential Speech]--Environmental Speech [President] [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [1 of 3]
[Presidential Speech]--Environmental Speech [President] [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [2 of 3]
[Presidential Speech]--Environmental Speech [President] [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [3 of 3]
[Presidential Speech]--State of the Union Message, 1972 [1971-72] [from CFOA 769]
[Presidential Message]--Foreign Policy Report, 1972 [from CFOA 769]
[Presidential Message]--Rural Development Message--1972 [from CFOA 769]
[Presidential Report]--SST Report [1971] [from CFOA 769]

Box 14

Presidential Reports [1971-72] [from CFOA 769]
Presidential Messages--Genera1 [1972] [from CFOA 769]
[Presidential]--Speeches [1971] [from CFOA 769]
Speeches--Presidential [1971-72] [from CFOA 769]
[Presidential]--Speech Material [1972] [from CFOA 769]
Presidential Telephone Calls [1971-72] [from CFOA 767]

Box 15

[Presidential]--Press [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [1 of 3]
[Presidential]--Press [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [2 of 3]
[Presidential]--Press [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [3 of 3]
Press Conference Q and As [1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [1 of 2]
Press Conference Q and As [1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [2 of 2]
[Presidential]--Press Conferences [1971] [from CFOA 769]
[Press Releases, 1972] [from CFOA 767]
[Presidentia1]--Television Coverage [1971] [from CFOA 769]

Box 16

[Presidential]--Ed Nixon [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential]--Julie Eisenhower [appearance proposals, 1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [1 of 4]
[Presidential]--Julie Eisenhower [appearance proposals, 1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [2 of 4]
[Presidential]--Julie Eisenhower [appearance proposals, 1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [3 of 4]
[Presidential]--Julie Eisenhower [appearance proposals, 1971-72] [from CFOA 768] [4 of 4]
[Presidential]--Vice President [appearances of and statements by, concerning the environment, 1971-72] [from CFOA 768]
[Presidential]--Mrs. Nixon [appearances of and statements by, concerning the environment, 1971-73] [from CFOA 768]

Series IV: Subject File, 1967 (1969)-1973

Box 17

[Agency for International Development]
[Agricultural and Environmental Issues, Press Releases, 1971] [from CFOA 822] [1 of 2]
[Agricultural and Environmental Issues, Press Releases, 1971] [from CFOA 822] [2 of 2]
Agricultural Export Ambassador, Dept. of Agriculture [1971] [from CFOA 249]
Agriculture, General [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [1 of 2]
Agriculture, General [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [2 of 2]
Agriculture, General--1971 [from OA 8145] [1 of 4]
Agriculture, General--1971 [from OA 8145] [2 of 4]

Box 18

Agriculture, General--1971 [from OA 8145] [3 of 4]
Agriculture, General--1971 [from OA 8145] [4 of 4]
Agriculture--Genera1 [1970-73] [from CFOA 760] [1 of 4]
Agriculture--Genera1 [1970-73] [from CFOA 760] [2 of 4]
Agriculture--Genera1 [1970-73] [from CFOA 760] [3 of 4]
Agriculture--Genera1 [1970-73] [from CFOA 760] [4 of 4]

Box 19

1968 National "67-68" Agriculture and Food Campaign for Nixon--Meeting with President [1969] [from OA 3897] [1 of 4]
1968 National "67-68" Agriculture and Food Campaign for Nixon--Meeting with President [1969] [from OA 3897] [2 of 4]
1968 National "67-68" Agriculture and Food Campaign for Nixon--Meeting with President [1969] [from OA 3897] [3 of 4]
1968 National "67-68" Agriculture and Food Campaign for Nixon--Meeting with President [1969] [from OA 3897] [4 of 4]
Agriculture Programs [1971] [from OA 8145]
Dept. of Agriculture-1970 [from OA 8184]
Corn, Dept. of Agriculture--1970 [from OA 8184]
[United States Department of Agriculture], Cotton [1972-73] [from CFOA 760]
[United States Department of Agriculture], Eggs [1972] [from CFOA 760]

Box 20

USDA, Farm Bureau [1971-72] [from CFOA 760]
[United States Department of Agriculture], Farm Speech—72 [from CFOA 760]
FHA [Farmers Home Administration], USDA [1971-73] [from CFOA 760]
USDA, Feed Grain program [1971-73] [from CFOA 760]
Food Prices, USDA [1972-73] [from CFOA 760]
Food Stamps, USDA [1972-73] [from CFOA 760]

Box 21

USDA--Forest Service [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [1 of 4]
USDA--Forest Service [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [2 of 4]
USDA--Forest Service [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [3 of 4]
USDA--Forest Service [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [4 of 4]
Hides [United States Department of Agriculture, 1972] [from CFOA 760]
USDA--Imports/Exports [1970-73] [from CFOA 1138] [1 of 2]
USDA--Imports/Exports [1970-73] [from CFOA 1138] [2 of 2]
USDA--REA [Rural Electrification Administration, 1971-73] [from CFOA 1138]
[United States Department of Agriculture]--REAP [Rural Environmental Assistance Program, 1973] [from CFOA 1138]

Box 22

Labor, USDA [1971-72] [from CFOA 760]
Meat Imports, USDA [1971-73] [from CFOA 760] [1 of 2]
Meat Imports, USDA [1971-73] [from CFOA 760] [2 of 2]
New Poor, USDA [1972] [from CFOA 760]
Rice, USDA [1972-73] [from CFOA 760]
USDA--Russian Wheat Deal [1971-72] [from CFOA 1140] [1 of 4]
USDA--Russian Wheat Deal [1971-72] [from CFOA 1140] [2 of 4]

Box 23

USDA--Russian Wheat Deal [1971-72] [from CFOA 1140] [3 of 4]
USDA--Russian Wheat Deal [1971-72] [from CFOA 1140] [4 of 4]
[USDA-Russian Wheat Deal, 1972-73] Great Grain Robbery [from CFOA 1140]
School Lunch Program, USDA [1971-72] [from CFOA 760] [1 of 2]
School Lunch Program, USDA [1971-72] [from CFOA 760] [2 of 2]
Screwworm Agreement, Dept. of Agriculture [1973] [from CE'OA 760]
USDA, Spotmaster [1971] [from OA 10023]
Timber Panel--Annual Report [United States Department of Agriculture, 1973] [from CFOA 760]
[Department of Agriculture], U-2 [use of aircraft in making earth resource surveys 1970-71] [from CFOA 249]

Box 24

Air Pollution Bill (Air Quality Control Bill) [1970] [from OA 8182] [1 of 4]
Air Pollution Bill (Air Quality Control Bill) [1970] [from OA 8182] [2 of 4]
Air Pollution Bill (Air Quality Control Bill) [1970] [from OA 8182] [3 of 4]
Air Pollution Bill (Air Quality Control Bill) [1970] [from OA 8182] [4 of 4]
Air Quality [1973] [from CFOA 1140]
Air Regulations--Non-degradation [1973] [from CFOA 1140]
Air--[William P.] Lear [1971-72] [from OA 10146]

Box 25

Alaska, Land Grant and Revenue Sharing [1970-71] [from OA 8180]
Alaska Lam Selection [1969-70] [from OA 4033]
Alaska Native Claims [1970-72] [from CFOA 1138]
Alaska Pipeline [1969-70] [from OA 5093] [1 of 4]
Alaska Pipeline [1969-70] [from OA 5093] [2 of 4]
Alaska Pipeline [1969-70] [from OA 5093] [3 of 4]
Alaska Pipeline [1969-70] [from OA 5093] [4 of 4]
Alaska Pipeline [from CFOA 1294]

Box 26

[Trans Alaska Pipeline, 1970-71] [from CFOA 1140] [1 of 3]
[Trans Alaska Pipeline, 1970-71] [from CFOA 1140] [2 of 3]
[Trans Alaska Pipeline, 1970-71] [from CFOA 1140] [3 of 3]
Trans Alaska Pipeline [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [1 of 4]
Trans Alaska Pipeline [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [2 of 4]
Trans Alaska Pipeline [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [3 of 4]

Box 27

Trans Alaska Pipeline [1971-73] [from CFOA 1138] [4 of 4]
Anecdotes [1971] [from CFOA 767]
Appalachian Regiona1 Comm. [1969-71] [from OA 8180] [1 of 3]
Appalachian Regiona1 Comm. [1969-71] [from OA 8180] [2 of 3]
Appalachian Regiona1 Comm. [1969-71] [from OA 8180] [3 of 3]
Appointments, 1970, J.C. Whitaker [from CFOA 1222]

Box 28

[Appointments]--[Daniel T.] Kingsley/[Fred] Malek [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [1 of 3]
[Appointments]--[Daniel T.] Kingsley/[Fred] Malek [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [2 of 3]
[Appointments]--[Daniel T.] Kingsley/[Fred] Malek [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [3 of 3]
Arctic Policy [I] [1971] [from CFOA 249]
Arctic Policy [II] [1971-72] [from CFOA 249]
Model Arkansas River Basin Program, Mr. John Whitaker [1971] [from OA 8145]
Omnibus Atomic Energy Act [1970] [from OA 8180]

Box 29

Atomic Energy Commission [1970-71] [from OA 8180]
Atomic Energy Comm. 1971 [from OA 8145]
Auto--Bounty [1970-71] [from OA 10025]
Auto--Emissions--General [1970-71, 1973] [from CFOA 764] [1 of 2]
Auto--Emissions--General [1970-71, 1973] [from CFOA 764] [2 of 2]
Auto Emissions [1973] [from CFOA 1140] [1 of 2]

Box 30

Auto Emissions [1973] [from CFOA 1140] [2 of 2]
Auto--Emissions, Govt. Vehicles [1970-711 [from CFOA 764]
Auto--Lead Gas Tax [1970-711 [from OA 10025]
Auto--Low/Unleaded Gas [1970-71] [from CFOA 764]
Auto--Unconventional [1969-71] [from OA 10025] [1 of 2]
Auto--Unconventional [1969-71] [from OA 10025] [2 of 2]
Auto--White House [Also includes general WH pollution] [1970] [from OA 10025]

Box 31

Bicentennial [1972] [from CFOA 761]
Bicentennial Commission [1970] [from OA 5093]
Big Cypress Swamp [1970-72] [from CFOA 761]
Biographies [of environmental agency officials, 1969-72] [from OA 14343]
Blue Plains [1970] [from OA 5093]
Budget, General, 1969-70 [from OA 8145] [1 of 2]
Budget, General, 1969-70 [from OA 8145] [2 of 2]
1971 Budget, Departments of Agriculture and Interior, Director's Review [from OA 3856]
1972 Budget, Department of Agriculture, Spring Planning Review [from OA 3872]
Bureau of Reclamation, Irrigation Construction [meeting, March 2, 1971] [from CFOA 761]
Burling Tract [Virginia Development proposal, 1970] [from OA 5093]

Box 32

Cabinet Committee on the Environment [1969-71] [from OA 5093] [1 of 2]
Cabinet Committee on the Environment [1969-71] [from OA 5093] [2 of 2]
C and O Lands [Oregon and California Land Grant Fund, 19691 [from OA 5093]
Camp Pendleton [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
1972 Campaign Issues—Farm Vote [from CFOA 250] [1 of 4]
1972 Campaign Issues—Farm Vote [from CFOA 250] [2 of 4]
1972 Campaign Issues—Farm Vote [from CFOA 250] [3 of 4]

Box 33

1972 Campaign Issues--Farm Vote [from CFOA 250] [4 of 4]
[1972 Campaign Issues--Farm Vote] [from CFOA 250]
1972 Campaign [from CFOA 250] [1 of 3]
1972 Campaign [from CFOA 250] [2 of 3]
1972 Campaign [from CFOA 250] [3 of 3]
Cascade Mountain Park [1969-70] [from OA 5093]
Catalina Island [1972] [from CFOA 761]

Box 34

Citizens' Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality [1969-73] [from CFOA 1139] [1 of 2]
Citizens' Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality [1969-73] [from CFOA 1139] [2 of 2]
Citizens' Farm Group [1971-72] [from CFOA 250]
[Classified Material Receipts, 1969] [from CFOA 3856]
Clean Air Act--1970 [from CFOA 8182] [1 of 2]

Box 35

Clean Air Act--1970 [from CFOA 8182] [2 of 2]
Clean Air Act--1971 [from CFOA 764]
Clean Air Act [Press Release, 1971] [from CFOA 14343]
The Clean Air Act [General] [1973] [from CFOA 1140] [1 of 2]
The Clean Air Act [General] [1973] [from CFOA 1140] [2 of 2]
Clean Car Race [1970-71] [from CFOA 8180]
Clean Waters for America [Press Release, 1971] [from CFOA 14343]
Clearcutting, Dept. of Agriculture [1972] [from CFOA 249]
Clearcutting [1971-72] [from CFOA 10023]
Cloud Seeding [1971] [from CFOA 8145]

Box 36

Cloud Seeding, Dept. of Agriculture [1971-72] [from CFOA 249]
Cloud Seeding; Drought Emergency Plan [1972] [from CFOA 10023]
Coal Mine Safety Legislation [1969-71] [from OA 8180]
Coal Research, Dept. of Int[erior, 1970] [from OA 8180]
Coalition for Rural America [1971] [from CFOA 1139]
Coastal Wetlands [1971-72] [from CFOA 764]
Coastal Zone Management [1970] [from OA 8180]
Colorado River Salinity, 1972 [from CFOA 1139] [1 of 2]
Colorado River Salinity, 1972 [from CFOA 1139] [2 of 2]

Box 37

Colorado River Salinity [I, 1972] [from CFOA 1140]
Colorado River Salinity [II, 1972] [from CFOA 1140] [1 of 2]
Colorado River Salinity [II, 1972] [from CFOA 1140] [2 of 2]
Colorado River Salinity [Draft U.S.-Mexico Report], 1972 [from CFOA 1139]
Lower Colorado River Land Case [19701 [from OA 4034]

Box 38

Columbia River [19701 [from OA 5093]
Commerce Dept.--Paley Commission [1970] [from OA 100231
Commission on Softwood Lumber and Plywood--1971 [from OA 81451
Confirmation of Secy. Butz--1971 [from OA 8145]
Conflict of Interest [1969] [from OA 3967]
Congress--No Action on Environment, Sept. 11, 1970 [Press Release] [from OA 14343]
Congressional Correspondence, 1970 [from OA 8180]
Congressional Correspondence, 1971 [from OA 8145] [1 of 4]

Box 39

Congressional Correspondence, 1971 [from OA 8145] [2 of 4]
Congressional Correspondence, 1971 [from OA 8145] [3 of 4]
Congressional Correspondence, 1971 [from OA 8145] [4 of 4]
Congressional Correspondence [1972] [from OA 10023] [1 of 2]
Congressional Correspondence [1972] [from OA 10023] [2 of 2]
Congressional Correspondence [1972-73] [from CFOA 761] [1 of 2]
Congressional Correspondence [1972-73] [from CFOA 761] [2 of 2]

Box 40

1968 Congressional Vote Statistics--by Republican Congressional Committee [from OA 3897]
Construction starts [1970] [from CFOA 761]
Continental Shelf [1969-71] [from OA 8182] [1 of 2]
Continental Shelf [1969-71] [from OA 8182] [2 of 2]
Corn [1971-72] [from OA 10023]
Corps of Engineers, 1969-70 [from OA 8180] [1 of 2]
Corps of Engineers, 1969-70 [from OA 8180] [2 of 2]

Box 41

Corps of Engineers, 1971 [1970-72] [from CFOA 1139]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--Sept. 69-June 70 [from OA 8180] [1 of 3]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--Sept. 69-June 70 [from OA 8180] [2 of 3]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--Sept. 69-June 70 [from OA 8180] [3 of 3]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--July 70-Dec. 70 [from OA 8180] [1 of 3]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--July 70-Dec. 70 [from OA 8180] [2 of 3]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--July 70-Dec. 70 [from OA 8180] [3 of 3]

Box 42

Council on Environmental Quality-1971 [from OA 8143] [1 of 3]
Council on Environmental Quality-1971 [from OA 8143] [2 of 3]
Council on Environmental Quality-1971 [from OA 8143] [3 of 3]
Council on Environmental Quality, 1972 [from CFOA 249]
Council on Environmental Quality, 1972 [1971-72] [from OA 10023]

Box 43

Council on Environmental Quality [1972-73] [from CFOA 1139] [1 of 2]
Council on Environmental Quality [1972-73] [from CFOA 1139] [2 of 2]
Annual Report--Council on Environnenta1 Quality [1970] [from OA 3872] [1 of 2]
Annual Report--Council on Environnenta1 Quality [1970] [from OA 3872] [2 of 2]
Annual Report '72, Council on Environ. Quality [from CFOA 249]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--'72 Annual Report [1971] [from OA 10023] [1 of 2]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--'72 Annual Report [1971] [from OA 10023] [2 of 2]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Annual Report--1973 [1972] [from OA 10023]
Crime [1970] [from OA 5093]

Box 44

Cross Florida Barge Canal [1970-71] [from OA 8146] [1 of 4]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [1970-71] [from OA 8146] [2 of 4]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [1970-71] [from OA 8146] [3 of 4]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [1970-71] [from OA 8146] [4 of 4]
Culebra--1970 [the Navy's use of, for training] [from OA 8143] [1 of 2]
Culebra--1970 [the Navy's use of, for training] [from OA 8143] [2 of 2]

Box 45

Culebra--1971 [the Navy's use of, for training] [from CFOA 1140] [1 of 2]
Culebra--1971 [the Navy's use of, for training] [from CFOA 1140] [2 of 2]
Culebra [the Navy's use of, for training, 1972-73] [from CFOA 1138]
Culebra, 1973 [the Navy's use of, for training] [from CFOA 1140]
[Cyclamate ban] Indemnification [1970-71] [from CFOA 761]

Box 46

Dade County Jetport [1969-70] [from OA 8181] [1 of 3]
Dade County Jetport [1969-70] [from OA 8181] [2 of 3]
Dade County Jetport [1969-70] [from OA 8181] [3 of 3]
Dade County Jetport, 1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8181] [1 of 3]
Dade County Jetport, 1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8181] [2 of 3]
Dade County Jetport, 1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8181] [3 of 3]
Dakota Farm Wolves [South Dakota farm problems, 1971-72] [from CFOA 250]

Box 47

Defense [1969-72] [from CFOA 761]
"Delta Queen" [exemption from vessel safety regulations, 1970] [from CFOA 761]
Department of Natural Resources [1969-71] [from CFOA 249] [1 of 4]
Department of Natural Resources [1969-71] [from CFOA 249] [2 of 4]
Department of Natural Resources [1969-71] [from CFOA 249] [3 of 4]
Department of Natural Resources [1969-71] [from CFOA 249] [4 of 4]
Department of Natural Resources [1969-71] [from OA 10022] [1 of 2]
Department of Natural Resources [1969-71] [from OA 10022] [2 of 2]

Box 48

Detergents--1970 [from OA 8183] [1 of 2]
Detergents--1970 [from OA 8183] [2 of 2]
Detergents--1971 [1970-72] [from CFOA 764] [1 of 2]
Detergents--1971 [1970-72] [from CFOA 764] [2 of 2]
Diesel Locomotive Emissions [1973] [from CFOA 1140]
Disaster Briefing Materials [1972] [from CFOA 761]
Disaster Message [I, 1972] [from OA 10022] [1 of 4]
Disaster Message [I, 1972] [from OA 10022] [2 of 4]

Box 49

Disaster Message [I, 1972] [from OA 10022] [3 of 4]
Disaster Message [I, 1972] [from OA 10022] [4 of 4]
Disaster Message [II, 1972] [from OA 10022]
Disposable Bottles [1970] [from OA 10025]
D.C. Environment project [1970] [from OA 5093]
Domestic Council--1972 Issues [1971] [from CFOA 250]
Domestic Council [General], 1970 [from CFOA 8180] [1 of 2]
Domestic Council [General], 1970 [from CFOA 8180] [2 of 2]

Box 50

Domestic Council--General [1970-72] [from CFOA 761] [1 of 3]
Domestic Council--General [1970-72] [from CFOA 761] [2 of 3]
Domestic Council--General [1970-72] [from CFOA 761] [3 of 3]
Domestic program Pre-Brief, January 2, 1971, Mr. John Whitaker [from CFOA 822]
Secy. Hardin, Senators Bellmon, Tower--Drought Announcement, May 19, 1971 [from OA 8145] [1 of 4]
Secy. Hardin, Senators Bellmon, Tower--Drought Announcement, May 19, 1971 [from OA 8145] [2 of 4]
Secy. Hardin, Senators Bellmon, Tower--Drought Announcement, May 19, 1971 [from OA 8145] [3 of 4]
Secy. Hardin, Senators Bellmon, Tower--Drought Announcement, May 19, 1971 [from OA 8145] [4 of 4]

Box 51

E.R.O.S. [Earth Resources Observation Systems, 1970-71] [from CFOA 761] [1 of 2]
E.R.O.S. [Earth Resources Observation Systems, 1970-71] [from CFOA 761] [2 of 2]
Earth Week [1970-71] [from OA 8181]
Earth Week Council on Environ. Quality [1972] [from OA 10023]
Earth Week-1972 [from CFOA 822]
Earth Week-1973 [from CFOA 822]
Earthquakes [1970] [from OA 5093]
Economic development [1970] [from OA 8181]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [1 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [2 of 12]

Box 52

[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [3 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [4 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [5 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [6 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [7 of 12]

Box 53

[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [8 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [9 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [10 of 12]
[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [11 of 12]

Box 54

[Background Material, Economic Development and Environmental Quality, 1969-70] [from OA 3856] [12 of 12]
Economics [1971] [from CFOA 822]
Endangered Species [1972] [from CFOA 761]
Energy Policy, "Brown Out" [1970] [from OA 5884] [1 of 2]
Energy Policy, "Brown Out" [1970] [from OA 5884] [2 of 2]

Box 55

Energy Policy, “Brown Out” [1970] [from OA 5884] [3 of 4]
Energy Policy, "Brown Out" [1970] [from OA 5884] [4 of 4]
Long Term--Energy Policy [1970] [from OA 5884]
Short Term--Energy Policy [1970] [from OA 5884]
Energy--1972 [from OA 10024] [1 of 7]
Energy--1972 [from OA 10024] [2 of 7]
Energy--1972 [from OA 10024] [3 of 7]

Box 56

Energy--1972 [from OA 10024] [4 of 7]
Energy--1972 [from OA 10024] [5 of 7]
Energy--1972 [from OA 10024] [6 of 7]
Energy--1972 [from OA 10024] [7 of 7]

Box 57

General--Energy Policy [1971] [from OA 5884] [1 of 3]
General--Energy Policy [1971] [from OA 5884] [2 of 3]
General--Energy Policy [1971] [from OA 5884] [3 of 3]
Message on Energy [1971] [from OA 5884] [1 of 3]
Message on Energy [1971] [from OA 5884] [2 of 3]
Message on Energy [1971] [from OA 5884] [3 of 3]

Box 58

Environmental--Fact Sheet, Feb. 10, 1970 [Press Release] [from OA 14343]
Environmental Message, Feb. 10, 1970 [Press Releases] [from OA 14343]
Environmental Message, February 8, 1971 [primarily Press Releases] [from OA 14343] [1 of 2]
Environmental Message, February 8, 1971 [primarily Press Releases] [from OA 14343] [2 of 2]
Environmental Press Conference, February 8, 1971 [Press Releases] [from OA 14343]
Environmental Fact Sheet, February 8, 1971 [Press Release] [from OA 14343]
Environmental Message--Fact Sheet, February 8, 1972 [Press Release] [from OA 14343]
Environmental Message, February 8, 1972 [press Release] [from OA 14343]
Environment Message--1973 [1972-73] [from CFOA 822] [1 of 3]
Environment Message--1973 [1972-73] [from CFOA 822] [2 of 3]
Environment Message--1973 [1972-73] [from CFOA 822] [3 of 3]

Box 59

["Environment" Supplement, The Washington Daily News, Tuesday, March 9, 1971] [OA 5900]
Environment, General, 1969 [1969-70] [from OA 8181]
Environment, General, 1971 [from OA 8142] [1 of 3]
Environment, General, 1971 [from OA 8142] [2 of 3]
Environment, General, 1971 [from OA 8142] [3 of 3]

Box 60

Environment--General [1972-73] [from CFOA 822] [1 of 2]
Environment--General [1972-73] [from CFOA 822] [2 of 2]
Environmental Awards [Department of the Interior proposal, 1970-71] [from OA 5093]
Environmental Awards [1972] [from CFOA 763]
Environmental Compliance Assistance [1972] [from CFOA 822]
Environmental Conference [Proposed Late Sept.] [1970] [from CFOA 761]
Environmental Court [1971] [from OA 5093]
Environmental Education [1970] [from OA 8181]
EPA [Environmental Financing Authority, 1969-70] [from OA 8181]
Section "102" [Environmental Impact Statements, 1970-72] [from CFOA 1138] [1 of 2]
Section "102" [Environmental Impact Statements, 1970-72] [from CFOA 1138] [2 of 2]

Box 61

Environmental Initiatives [1971-72] [from OA 8146]
Environmental Lab [1970] [from OA 8181]
Environmental Legislation, 1970-71 [from OA 5093] [1 of 3]
Environmental Legislation, 1970-71 [from OA 5093] [2 of 3]
Environmental Legislation, 1970-71 [from OA 5093] [3 of 3]
Environmental Legislation--70-71 [from OA 8143] [1 of 3]

Box 62

Environmental Legislation--70-7l [from OA 8l43] [2 of 3]
Environmental Legislation--70-7l [from OA 8l43] [3 of 3]
Environmental Legislation [1971-73] [from CFOA 764] [1 of 3]
Environmental Legislation [1971-73] [from CFOA 764] [2 of 3]
Environmental Legislation [1971-73] [from CFOA 764] [3 of 3]
[Possible President's Message on the Environment, 1969] [from OA 3872]
Environmental Message [1971] [from OA 5884]
1972 Environmental Message [1971-72] [from OA 8144] [1 of 3]

Box 63

1972 Environmental Message [1971-72] [from OA 8144] [2 of 3]
1972 Environmental Message [1971-72] [from OA 8144] [3 of 3]
Environmental Pamphlet [1972] [from CFOA 1294]
Message to Congress-EPA/NOAA [Environmental Protection Agency] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] [Press Conference], July 9, 1970 [press Releases] [from OA 14343]
Fact Sheet-EPA/NOAA, July 9, 1970 [Press Releases] [from OA 14343]
EPA--1971 [1972] [from CFOA 1139] [1 of 3]
EPA--1971 [1972] [from CFOA 1139] [2 of 3]
EPA--1971 [1972] [from CFOA 1139] [3 of 3]

Box 64

[Environmental Protections Agency, Creation of by Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970] [from OA 8181] [1 of 3]
[Environmental Protections Agency, Creation of by Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970] [from OA 8181] [2 of 3]
[Environmental Protections Agency, Creation of by Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970] [from OA 8181] [3 of 3]
Environmental Protection Agency, 1971 [from OA 8143] [1 of 4]
Environmental Protection Agency, 1971 [from OA 8143] [2 of 4]
Environmental Protection Agency, 1971 [from OA 8143] [3 of 4]
Environmental Protection Agency, 1971 [from OA 8143] [4 of 4]

Box 65

EPA--Administrative [1970] [from OA 8181]
EPA--Nov. 6 to Dec., 1970 [from OA 8181]
EPA-- [Reorganization] Plan No.3, July 9, 1970 [Press Release] [from CFOA 1294]
EPA Resumes [1969-73] [from CFOA 765] [1 of 5]
EPA Resumes [1969-73] [from CFOA 765] [2 of 5]
EPA Resumes [1969-73] [from CFOA 765] [3 of 5]
EPA Resumes [1969-73] [from CFOA 765] [4 of 5]
EPA Resumes [1969-73] [from CFOA 765] [5 of 5]

Box 66

Environmental Quality Council Meeting, August 26, 1969 [from OA 5093]
Environmental Teach-in [1969-70] [from OA 4033]
Environmental Trust Fund [1970] [from OA 8181]
Everglades [1970] [from OA 5093]
Accessed properties [1970-73] [from CFOA 762]

Box 67

Farm Belt Gripes [1971] [from CFOA 250]
Farm Labor Bill [1969-70] [from OA 4033]
Farm Legislation [1970-71] [from OA 10023]
Farm Program studies of USDA, March to September 1969 [from OA 3897] [1 of 4]
Farm Program studies of USDA, March to September 1969 [from OA 3897] [2 of 4]
Farm Program studies of USDA, March to September 1969 [from OA 3897] [3 of 4]
Farm Program studies of USDA, March to September 1969 [from OA 3897] [4 of 4]

Box 68

Farm Program [1969-70] [from OA 4034] [1 of 4]
Farm Program [1969-70] [from OA 4034] [2 of 4]
Farm Program [1969-70] [from OA 4034] [3 of 4]
Farm Program [1969-70] [from OA 4034] [4 of 4]
Federal Clean Up [1970] [from OA 8181]
Federal Power Commission [1972] [from CFOA 761]
FPC [Federal Power Commission] [from OA 8180]
Flood Insurance [1972] [from CFOA 1139]
Forest Service--1971 [from OA 8145]
Four Corners--Black Mesa [1971] [from OA 10024]

Box 69

Game Plans [to secure passage of the President's environmental program, 1971] [from OA 8144] [1 of 3]
Game Plans [to secure passage of the President's environmental program, 1971] [from OA 8144] [2 of 3]
Game Plans [to secure passage of the President's environmental program, 1971] [from OA 8144] [3 of 3]
Geothermal Steam Bill, Dept. of the Interior [1970] [from CFOA 249]
Geothermal Steam Bill, S. 368 [1971-72] [from OA 10022]
Gold [1970] [from OA 4034]
Golden Eagle Pass [1970] [from OA 5093]
Government Reorganization [1971-73] [from CFOA 7611 [1 of 2]
Government Reorganization [1971-73] [from CFOA 7611 [2 of 2]
Governor's Conference, Feb. 27/28/1969 [1969-70] [from CFOA 761]

Box 70

Grazing Fees, Dept. of the Interior [1970-71] [from OA 10022]
Great Lakes [1971-72] [from CFOA 1139] [1 of 2]
Great Lakes [1971-72] [from CFOA 1139] [2 of 2]
Hazardous Substances [Empty] [from OA 10025]
H.E.W. [Department of Health, Education and Welfare]--General [1969-72] [from CFOA 761] [1 of 2]
H.E.W. [Department of Health, Education and Welfare]--General [1969-72] [from CFOA 761] [2 of 2]
Helium [1970-72] [from CFOA 761]
Secretary Hickel's Letter--5/6/70 [from CFOA 761]
Historic Monuments [1971] [from CFOA 761]

Box 71

H.U.D. [Department of Housing and Urban Deve1opment]-General [1969-72] [from CFOA 761]
100 Day Task Force [1969] [from OA 3967]
Hurricane Agnes, Disaster Briefing, Secretary Peterson, Secretary Hodgson, 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 5, 1972 [from OA 10022] [1 of 3]
Hurricane Agnes, Disaster Briefing, Secretary Peterson, Secretary Hodgson, 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 5, 1972 [from OA 10022] [2 of 3]
Hurricane Agnes, Disaster Briefing, Secretary Peterson, Secretary Hodgson, 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 5, 1972 [from OA 10022] [3 of 3]
Inauguration [1969] [from OA 3967]
Institute for Environmental Studies [1969-71] [from CFOA 249]

Box 72

Intergovernmental Relations [1973] [from CFOA 761]
Department of the Interior, proposed Legislative Program, 91st Congress, 2nd Session [1969] [from CFOA 761] [1 of 3]
Department of the Interior, proposed Legislative Program, 91st Congress, 2nd Session [1969] [from CFOA 761] [2 of 3]
Department of the Interior, proposed Legislative Program, 91st Congress, 2nd Session [1969] [from CFOA 761] [3 of 3]
Department of the Interior--proposed Legislative Program for the 1st Session of the 92nd Congress [1970] [from OA 3897] [1 of 2]
Department of the Interior--proposed Legislative Program for the 1st Session of the 92nd Congress [1970] [from OA 3897] [2 of 2]
[Department of the] Interior, General Correspondence [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [1 of 3]

Box 73

[Department of the] Interior, General Correspondence [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [2 of 3]
[Department of the] Interior, General Correspondence [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [3 of 3]
[Department of the] Interior, General [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [1 of 2]
[Department of the] Interior, General [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [2 of 2]
[Department of the] Interior--1970 [1969-71] [from OA 8184] [1 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior--1970 [1969-71] [from OA 8184] [2 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior--1970 [1969-71] [from OA 8184] [3 of 5]

Box 74

[Department of the] Interior--1970 [1969-71] [from OA 8184] [4 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior--1970 [1969-71] [from OA 8184] [5 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior-- General, 1971 [from OA 8143] [1 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior-- General, 1971 [from OA 8143] [2 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior-- General, 1971 [from OA 8143] [3 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior-- General, 1971 [from OA 8143] [4 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior-- General, 1971 [from OA 8143] [5 of 5]

Box 75

[Department of the] Interior--July 1971--August 1972 [from CFOA 1139] [1 of 3]
[Department of the] Interior--July 1971--August 1972 [from CFOA 1139] [2 of 3]
[Department of the] Interior--July 1971--August 1972 [from CFOA 1139] [3 of 3]
Department of the Interior--August 1972-[February 1973] [from CFOA 1139] [1 of 2]
Department of the Interior--August 1972-[February 1973] [from CFOA 1139] [2 of 2]
Irrigation--Repayment of Interest [1971] [from CFOA 762]
Issues--FY 72 [1970] [from CFOA 250]
Izaak Walton League [1970] [from OA 8181]

Box 76

[Henry M.] Jackson Bill [on National Land Use Policy, 1969-70] [from OA 5093]
Jackson Hole Dinner [1971] [from OA 8142] [1 of 3]
Jackson Hole Dinner [1971] [from OA 8142] [2 of 3]
Jackson Hole Dinner [1971] [from OA 8142] [3 of 3]
Jetport [1970-72] [from CFOA 762]
Jurisdiction over the Natural Resources of the Ocean Floor [1969-70] [from OA 3872]

Box 77

[Department of] Justice--General [1969-73] [from CFOA 762]
Keep America Beautiful [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
Kitty Hawk [exhibit of Apollo 14 Command Module, 1971-72] [from OA 10023]
[Department of] Labor--General [1969, 1972] [from CFOA 762]
[Department of] Labor--Oil Import Task Force [1969-72] [from CFOA 762]
Lake Michigan Gubernatorial Conference, Dec. 17, 1969: Briefing Material [from OA 5093]
Land Use [1972-73] [from CFOA 764]
Land Use [1970-72] [from OA 10023] [1 of 2]
Land Use [1970-72] [from OA 10023] [2 of 2]
Land Use, Council on Environ. Quality [1970, 1972] [from CFOA 249]
Land and Water Conservation Fund [1970-71] [from CFOA 762]

Box 78

Lead Tax [1970] [from CFOA 249]
Lead in Gas [1972] [from CFOA 762]
Lead in Gas [1972] [from CFOA 1138]
Listening Post Sessions [meetings with local leaders, 1971-72] [from CFOA 761] [1 of 2]
Listening Post Sessions [meetings with local leaders, 1971-72] [from CFOA 761] [2 of 2]
Long Range Planning [1971-72] [from CFOA 250]
Longshoremen's Strike, Dept. of Agriculture [1971] [from CFOA 249]
Longshoremen's Strike [1971-72] [from OA 10023]

Box 79

Mailing Lists [1971-72] [from CFOA 822]
Marine Council [1970] [from OA 5093]
Marketing Order Legislation [1969] [from OA 4034]
McGovern White Paper [McGovern's environmental proposals, 1972] [from CFOA 822] [1 of 3]
McGovern White Paper [McGovern's environmental proposals, 1972] [from CFOA 822] [2 of 3]
McGovern White Paper [McGovern's environmental proposals, 1972] [from CFOA 822] [3 of 3]
Meat Dmports [1969-70] [from OA 4034]
The Meramec River Basin [from OA 4033]
Mercury [1970] [from OA 10025]
Mineral Leasing Act [1971-72] [from CFOA 761]

Box 80

Miscellaneous [1971-72] [from CFOA 822]
Muskie [1969-70] [from OA 5093]
OCMS [NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society, 1970-73] [from CFOA 1138]
National Estuary Study [from OA 4033]
NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1970, 1972-73] [from OA 762]
National Air Pollution Control Administration [1970] [from OA 762]
National Center for Voluntary Action [1971] [from OA 10025]
National Forests in the Oregon Cascades [1970] [from OA 4034]
National Growth Bank [1971-72] [from OA 10024] [1 of 2]
National Growth Bank [1971-72] [from OA 10024] [2 of 2]

Box 81

National Growth Policy [1971-73] [from CFOA 762]
National Growth Policy Message [1972] [from OA 10024]
National Growth Policy/New Cities, 1970 [from OA 8181] [1 of 3]
National Growth Policy/New Cities, 1970 [from OA 8181] [2 of 3]
National Growth Policy/New Cities, 1970 [from OA 8181] [3 of 3]
National Growth Policy--1971 [from OA 8142] [1 of 4]
National Growth Policy--1971 [from OA 8142] [2 of 4]

Box 82

National Growth Policy--1971 [from OA 8142] [3 of 4]
National Growth Policy--1971 [from OA 8142] [4 of 4]
[National Growth Policy; New Communities Proposal, 1969-70] [OA 4605] [1 of 3]
[National Growth Policy; New Communities Proposal, 1969-70] [OA 4605] [2 of 3]
[National Growth Policy; New Communities Proposal, 1969-70] [OA 4605] [3 of 3]

Box 83

National Industrial Pollution Control Council [1970] [from OA 4033]
National Industrial Pollution Control Council--Summary Minutes of Sub-Council Meetings [1969-70] [from OA 3897] [1 of 2]
National Industrial Pollution Control Council--Summary Minutes of Sub-Council Meetings [1969-70] [from OA 3897] [2 of 2]
National Industrial Pollution Control Council [1970-71] [from OA 8182] [1 of 5]
National Industrial Pollution Control Council [1970-71] [from OA 8182] [2 of 5]
National Industrial Pollution Control Council [1970-71] [from OA 8182] [3 of 5]

Box 84

National Industrial Pollution Control Council [1970-71] [from OA 8182] [4 of 5]
National Industrial Pollution Control Council [1970-71] [from OA 8182] [5 of 5]
[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, selection of Administrator, 1970] [from OA 5891] [1 of 2]
[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, selection of Administrator, 1970] [from OA 5891] [2 of 2]
NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]-- [Reorganization] Plan No.4, July 9, 1970 [Press Releases] [from OA 14343]
119 [Marine Science/Oceanography, for NOAA File, 1969-70] [from OA 5891]
NOAA Resumes [1970-71] [from OA 5891]

Box 85

NOAA--Nov. 69--Feb. 70 [from OA 5891] [1 of 4]
NOAA--Nov. 69--Feb. 70 [from OA 5891] [2 of 4]
NOAA--Nov. 69--Feb. 70 [from OA 5891] [3 of 4]
NOAA--Nov. 69--Feb. 70 [from OA 5891] [4 of 4]
NOAA--March 1970-[March 1971] [from OA 5891] [1 of 2]
NOAA--March 1970-[March 1971] [from OA 5891] [2 of 2]
National Park Service [1971-72] [from CFOA 762]
National Parks and Recreation, Dept. of the Interior [1970-71] [from CFOA 2491
Proposed NRA [National Recreation Area, Beltsville, Maryland [1972-73] [from CFOA 1294]
[Proposed National Recreation Area, Beltsville, Maryland-- Report to Property Review Board, 1971-72] [from CFOA 1294]

Box 86

Dept. of Natural Resources L1972-731 [from CFOA 1138]
Nerve Gas [1970] [from OA 8181]
New Agriculture Policy [1972] [from CFOA 760]
New Technology [1971] [from OA 8144] [1 of 5]
New Technology [1971] [from OA 8144] [2 of 5]
New Technology [1971] [from OA 8144] [3 of 5]
New Technology [1971] [from OA 8144] [4 of 5]
New Technology [1971] [from OA 8144] [5 of 5]
New Technology [1972] [from CFOA 762]

Box 87

New York Board of Trade [1970] [from OA 4034]
Nixon Legacy of Parks, Property Review Board [1970-72] [from CFOA 762]
Nixon Legacy of Parks [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [1 of 2]
Nixon Legacy of Parks [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [2 of 2]
Mrs. Nixon [1969] [from OA 4034]
Noise [1970-71] [from CFOA 764]

Box 88

Ocean Dumping--1970 [from OA 8182] [1 of 2]
Ocean Dumping--1970 [from OA 8182] [2 of 2]
Ocean Dumping--1971 [1971-73] [from CFOA 764]
Ocean Mammal Protection Act [Whales and Seals] [1971] [from CFOA 249]
Off-Road Vehicles [1972] [from OA 10025]
OEO [Office of Economic Opportunity]--Genera1 [1969] [from CFOA 762]
OEP [Office of Emergency preparedness]--Genera1 [1969] [from CFOA 762]
OMB [Office of Management and Budget, 1972] [from CFOA 762]
Oil-Leases, Sales [1970-72] [from CFOA 762]
Oil Shale [1969-73] [from CFOA 762]
Oil Spills--1971 [1971-72] [from CFOA 762]

Box 89

Oil Spill, 1970 [from OA 8182] [1 of 3]
Oil Spill, 1970 [from OA 8182] [2 of 3]
Oil Spill, 1970 [from OA 8182] [3 of 3]
Option Papers [1970-72] [from CFOA 1222] [1 of 2]
Option Papers [1970-72] [from CFOA 1222] [2 of 2]
Outdoor Recreation Plan, Dept. of the Interior [1972] [from CFOA 249]
Outdoor Recreation Plan [1970-71] [from 10022]

Box 90

Park Acquisition [Recreation] [1969-70] [from OA 4033]
Parks [1970-71] [from OA 10022]
Parks and Recreation [1970] [from OA 5093]
Pesticides--1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8183] [1 of 3]
Pesticides--1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8183] [2 of 3]
Pesticides--1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8183] [3 of 3]

Box 91

Pesticides--1971 [1970-72] [from CFOA 764] [1 of 3]
Pesticides--1971 [1970-72] [from CFOA 764] [2 of 3]
Pesticides--1971 [1970-72] [from CFOA 764] [3 of 3]
Pesticides--General, DDT, 3.Materia1s [1971] [from OA 10146]
Literature References Illustrating Lack of Correlation Between Phosphorus and Algal Growth [1969-70] [from OA 3897]
1973 Planning [1972] [from CFOA 761]
Point Reyes, Calif. [1969] [from OA 4033]

Box 92

Point Reyes [Press Release, November 18, 1969] [from CFOA 1294]
Polar Plan [1969-70] [from OA 4033]
Political Campaigns [1970] [from OA 5093]
Polls [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [1 of 4]
Polls [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [2 of 4]
Polls [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [3 of 4]
Polls [1970-72] [from CFOA 762] [4 of 4]
Pollution--General [1969-71] [from OA 8182]
Poor Peoples March, May 1969 [from OA 3967]
Population [1970] [from OA 4033]

Box 93

Population Report [1972]
Post Office, General [1969-70] [from OA 8184]
Potomac Clean Up, Blue Plains [1971] [from CFOA 763]
Potomac Clean Up--69-70 [from OA 8183] [1 of 4]
Potomac Clean Up--69-70 [from OA 8183] [2 of 4]
Potomac Clean Up--69-70 [from OA 8183] [3 of 4]
Potomac Clean Up--69-70 [from OA 8183] [4 of 4]

Box 94

Potomac River Clean Up [clippings] [from CFOA 1294]
Power Plant Siting Legislation, 1970 [from OA 8183]
Power Plant Siting [1970-72] [from OA 10025] [1 of 2]
Power Plant Siting [1970-72] [from OA 10025] [2 of 2]
Predator Control [1972-73] [from CFOA 1139]
Presidential Greeting [miscellaneous ceremonial and congratulatory Statements, 1971-72] [from OA 10023]
Presidential Participation, Agricultural Activities [1971-73] [from CFOA 760] [1 of 5]
Presidential Participation, Agricultural Activities [1971-73] [from CFOA 760] [2 of 5]

Box 95

Presidential Participation, Agricultural Activities [1971-73] [from CFOA 760] [3 of 5]
Presidential Participation, Agricultural Activities [1971-73] [from CFOA 760] [4 of 5]
Presidential Participation, Agricultural Activities [1971-73] [from CFOA 760] [5 of 5]
Press Releases [1970-71] [from OA 10024]
Productivity Commission [from CFOA 763]
Project Manager Reports [on environmental programs and legislation, 1971] [from OA 8143]
Property Review Board [1970-73] [from CFOA 763] [1 of 2]
Property Review Board [1970-73] [from CFOA 763] [2 of 2]

Box 96

Public Land Law Review, Grazing [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [1 of 2]
Public Land Law Review, Grazing [1969-70] [from OA 4033] [2 of 2]
Puerto Rico [1970] [from OA 8183]
Quality of Life--1971 [1970-72] [from OA 8146] [1 of 4]
Quality of Life--1971 [1970-72] [from OA 8146] [2 of 4]
Quality of Life--1971 [1970-72] [from OA 8146] [3 of 4]

Box 97

Quality of Life--1971 [1970-72] [from OA 8183] [4 of 4]
[Out Card for folder, Quality of Life, 1972] [from CFOA 762]
Radiation [1971] [from OA 10025]
Radio Speech [1971] [from OA 5884] [1 of 2]
Radio Speech [1971] [from OA 5884] [2 of 2]
Recycling [1971-72] [from CFOA 764] [1 of 3]
Recycling [1971-72] [from CFOA 764] [2 of 3]

Box 98

Recycling [1971-72] [from CFOA 764] [3 of 3]
Refuse Act Permit Program, [Meetings], Friday, November 27, [1970], 2:15 [p.m.] [from CFOA 764]
Refuse Act Permits [1970-72] [from CFOA 764] [1 of 2]
Refuse Act Permits [1970-72] [from CFOA 764] [2 of 2]
Regional Commissions [1970-72] [from OA 10025] [1 of 2]
Regional Commissions [1970-72] [from OA 10025] [2 of 2]
Regional wastewater Management Systems for the Chicago Metropolitan Area [1972] [from OA 10022]

Box 99

RECAT [Regulatory Effects on the Cost of Automotive Transportation, 1972] [from CFOA 822]
Republican National Comte [1970-71] [from CFOA 250]
Research Designs [1972] [from CFOA 761]
Reserve Mining Suit, Environ. Protection Agency [1971-72] [from CFOA 249]
Reserve Mining Suit, Environ. Protection Agency [1971-72] [from OA 10022] [1 of 2]
Reserve Mining Suit, Environ. Protection Agency [1971-72] [from OA 10022] [2 of 2]
[Resource Recovery Act] [1970] [from CFOA 764]
Revenue Sharing [1970-72] [from OA 10025] [1 of 2]
Revenue Sharing [1970-72] [from OA 10025] [2 of 2]
Right-of-Way Over Federal Lands, Rental Charges [1970] [from OA 4033]
Rural Development [1972] [from CFOA 763]
Rural Affairs Council Meeting, 7/24/70 [from OA 3897]
Rural Affairs Council [1969-70] [from OA 5093] [1 of 2]

Box 100

Rural Affairs Council [1969-70] [from OA 5093] [2 of 2]
Rural Development, 1970 [from OA 8184] [1 of 2]
Rural Development, 1970 [from OA 8184] [2 of 2]
Rural Development [1971-72] [from OA 10024] [1 of 3]
Rural Development [1971-72] [from OA 10024] [2 of 3]
Rural Development [1971-72] [from OA 10024] [3 of 3]

Box 101

Rural Development Bill, Dept. of Agriculture [1971-72] [from CFOA 249]
Rural Development Message [1972] [from OA 10024]
Rural Development Task Force [1969-70] [from OA 8184] [1 of 3]
Rural Development Task Force [1969-70] [from OA 8184] [2 of 3]
Rural Development Task Force [1969-70] [from OA 8184] [3 of 3]
Rural Telephone Bank Bill [1971-72] [from OA 10023]

Box 102

Russia [and China: environmental and agricultural agreements with, 1972-73] [from CFOA 1140] [1 of 2]
Russia [and China: environmental and agricultural agreements with, 1972-73] [from CFOA 1140] [2 of 2]
SST, Dept. of Transportation [1969-71] [from CFOA 249]
Salem Church Dam, [Virginia]--Congressman Scott Meeting [1970] [from OA 5093]
Salt Water [1971] [from CFOA 762]
Salute to Agriculture Dinner [1971] [from OA 5884] [1 of 4]
Salute to Agriculture Dinner [1971] [from OA 5884] [2 of 4]
Salute to Agriculture Dinner [1971] [from OA 5884] [3 of 4]
Salute to Agriculture Dinner [1971] [from OA 5884] [4 of 4]

Box 103

Santa Barbara-1970 [from OA 8184] [1 of 3]
Santa Barbara-1970 [from OA 8184] [2 of 3]
Santa Barbara-1970 [from OA 8184] [3 of 3]
[Out Card for folder, Santa Barbara] [from CFOA 763]
Seabed’s [1970] [from OA 5093]
Seabed’s [1971] [from CFOA 249]
Tom Shepard Article--Look [on the seriousness of the environmental problem, 1971] [from OA 8146] [1 of 2]
Tom Shepard Article--Look [on the seriousness of the environmental problem, 1971] [from OA 8146] [2 of 2]
Sisk Bill [Farm Market Bill, 1971-72] [from OA 10023]
Slide Presentations [environmental and agriculture issues, 1971] [from CFOA 822]

Box 104

Sludge [1970] [from OA 8184] [1 of 3]
Sludge [1970] [from OA 8184] [2 of 3]
Sludge [1970] [from OA 8184] [3 of 3]
Small Business Administration [1968] [from OA 3967] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Smokeless Jets [1970-71] [from OA 10025]
Social Indicators [proposed Office of Management and Budget report; the environment as an issue, 1970-71] [from OA 8142] [1 of 3]
Social Indicators [proposed Office of Management and Budget report; the environment as an issue, 1970-71] [from OA 8142] [2 of 3]
Social Indicators [proposed Office of Management and Budget report; the environment as an issue, 1970-71] [from OA 8142] [3 of 3]

Box 105

Solid Waste [Resource Recovery Act] [1969-70, 1972] [from CFOA 764]
Southern Governor's Conference [Empty] [from OA 10025]
Speakers Bureau [1971] [from OA 14343]
Speakers Bureau [1972] [from CFOA 250]
Special Revenue Sharing, Rural Development [1971-72] [from CFOA 762] [1 of 3]
Special Revenue Sharing, Rural Development [1971-72] [from CFOA 762] [2 of 3]
Special Revenue Sharing, Rural Development [1971-72] [from CFOA 762] [3 of 3]
[Department of] State--General [1969-70] [from CFOA 763]
State Development Corporations [1972]
State Profiles [1971] [from CFOA 250]
State of the Union Message, Submissions of the Department of the Interior [1969] [from OA 3872]

Box 106

State of the Union [1970-71] [from OA 5884]
State of the Union, 2/70 [Press Releases, State of the Union addresses, January 22, 1970, and January 22, 1971] [from OA 14343]
State of the Union--1972 [1971-72] [from OA 8146]
Stockholm [United Nations] Conf. on Human Environ. Council on Environ. Quality [1971-72] [from OA 10023]
Stockholm Initiatives [1972-73] [from OA 10023] [1 of 3]
Stockholm Initiatives [1972-73] [from OA 10023] [2 of 3]
Stockholm Initiatives [1972-73] [from OA 10023] [3 of 3]

Box 107

United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment [Publications, 1971-72] [from OA 9245] [1 of 2]
United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment [Publications, 1971-72] [from OA 9245] [2 of 2]
Mr. John Ehrlichman, [United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972, briefing materials] [from OA 9245]
John C. Whitaker, Tuesday, June 13--10:00 a.m., Thursday, June 15--3:00 p.m. [United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972, briefing materials] [from OA 9245]
[United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 1972, briefing materials] [from OA 9245]

Box 108

Strip Mining [1971-72] [from OA 10025J
Strip Mining [1972] [from CFOA 764]
Sugar [1971] [from OA 10023]
SO2 and Energy Tax, 70-71 [from OA 8146] [1 of 6]
SO2 and Energy Tax, 70-71 [from OA 8146] [2 of 6]
SO2 and Energy Tax, 70-71 [from OA 8146] [3 of 6]
SO2 and Energy Tax, 70-71 [from OA 8146] [4 of 6]
SO2 and Energy Tax, 70-71 [from OA 8146] [5 of 6]
SO2 and Energy Tax, 70-71 [from OA 8146] [6 of 6]

Box 109

Superport [deep water port for supertankers, 1971-72] [from CFOA 763] [1 of 2]
Superport [deep water port for supertankers, 1971-72] [from CFOA 763] [2 of 2]
Supersonic Transport [1969-71] LOA 5444] [1 of 6]
Supersonic Transport [1969-71] LOA 5444] [2 of 6]
Supersonic Transport [1969-71] LOA 5444] [3 of 6]
Supersonic Transport [1969-71] LOA 5444] [4 of 6]

Box 110

Supersonic Transport [1969-71] LOA 5444] [5 of 6]
Supersonic Transport [1969-71] LOA 5444] [6 of 6]
Susquehanna River Basin Compact [1969-70] [from OA 4033]
Task Force Meetings, January 10, 11, 1969 [from OA 3856] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Tax Credits [1970-71] [from CFOA 249]
Tennessee Valley Authority [1972] [from CFOA 763]
Thermal [Pollution, 1969-70] [from OA 10025]
Timber Bill [1969-70] [from OA 4033]

Box 111

Tocks Island [1972] [from OA 10023]
Tocks Island Dam, Council on Environ. Quality [1972] [from CFOA 249]
TACLE [Total American Community Living Environment], Secy. Romney [1971-72] [from OA 8143] [1 of 3]
TACLE [Total American Community Living Environment], Secy. Romney [1971-72] [from OA 8143] [2 of 3]
TACLE [Total American Community Living Environment], Secy. Romney [1971-72] [from OA 8143] [3 of 3]
Toxic Materials [1971-72] [from CFOA 764]
Transitional [1969] [from OA 3967]

Box 112

[Department of] Transportation--General [1969-72] [from CFOA 763] [1 of 3]
[Department of] Transportation--General [1969-72] [from CFOA 763] [2 of 3]
[Department of] Transportation--General [1969-72] [from CFOA 763] [3 of 3]
[Department of the] Treasury--General [1969-71] [from CFOA 763]
Trust Territories [1970] [from OA 8184]
Trust Territories [1971] [from OA 10022]
Trust Territories, Dept. of the Interior [1971-72] [from CFOA 249]

Box 113

U.S./Soviet Environmental Corp., Council on Environ. Quality [1971] [from CFOA 249]
Unconventional Auto [unconventional power plant research, 1969-71] [from CFOA 249]
United Nations--General [1969] [from CFOA 763]
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commissions [Youth Development and Conservation Program] [1969] [from OA 3897]
Water Bank Bill [1970] [from OA 10023]
Water Bill [I, 1971-72] [from CFOA 765] [1 of 3]
Water Bill [I, 1971-72] [from CFOA 765] [2 of 3]
Water Bill [I, 1971-72] [from CFOA 765] [3 of 3]

Box 114

Water Bill [II, 1971] [from CFOA 765]
Water Bill [III, 1972] [from CFOA 765] [1 of 3]
Water Bill [III, 1972] [from CFOA 765] [2 of 3]
Water Bill [III, 1972] [from CFOA 765] [3 of 3]
Water Resources Council Report—-“A Uniform Technique for Determining Flood Flow Frequencies”--Dec. 1967 [from OA 3897]
Water Resources Council [1970-72] [from CFOA 763]

Box 115

Water Resources Council, 1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8l84] [1 of 3]
Water Resources Council, 1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8l84] [2 of 3]
Water Resources Council, 1970 [1969-70] [from OA 8l84] [3 of 3]
Documents for Water Resources Council Meeting, 11-20-69 [from OA 3897]
Water Treatment [Sewage] [1971-73] [from CFOA 765] [1 of 7]
Water Treatment [Sewage] [1971-73] [from CFOA 765] [2 of 7]
Water Treatment [Sewage] [1971-73] [from CFOA 765] [3 of 7]

Box 116

Water Treatment [Sewage] [1971-73] [from CFOA 765] [4 of 7]
Water Treatment [Sewage] [1971-73] [from CFOA 765] [5 of 7]
Water Treatment [Sewage] [1971-73] [from CFOA 765] [6 of 7]
Water Treatment [Sewage] [1971-73] [from CFOA 765] [7 of 7]
Water Bank Bill, Dept. of Agriculture [1970] [from CFOA 249]
Water [1969-71] [from OA 8183] [1 of 5]
Water [1969-71] [from OA 8183] [2 of 5]

Box 117

Water [1969-71] [from OA 8183] [3 of 5]
Water [1969-71] [from OA 8183] [4 of 5]
Water [1969-71] [from OA 8183] [5 of 5]
Legislation--Water [1971] [from CFOA 765] [1 of 2]
Legislation--Water [1971] [from CFOA 765] [2 of 2]
Westland’s [from OA 4033]
Whales and Seals [1971] 1from OA 10023]

Box 118

White House Fellows [1969-70] [from OA 10025]
White House Organization [notes, undated] [from CFOA 763]
White House Staff Man on Agriculture [1970-72] [from OA 8145]
Wilderness [1972-73] [from CFOA 763]
Wilderness Areas [1971-72] [from OA 10025]
Wilderness Areas--1971 [from OA 8143] [1 of 4]
Wilderness Areas--1971 [from OA 8143] [2 of 4]
Wilderness Areas--1971 [from OA 8143] [3 of 4]
Wilderness Areas--1971 [from OA 8143] [4 of 4]

Box 119

Wilkinson, Bud [1969] [from OA 3967]
Youth [1970-72] [from CFOA 763] [1 of 2]
Youth [1970-72] [from CFOA 763] [2 of 2]
Alternative Institutional Arrangements for Managing River Basin Operations--Water Resources Council--August 1967 [from OA 3897]
The Nation's Water Resources--Water Resources Counci1—1968 [from OA 3897]
[Water]--Research Report--The Economic impact of the Second Bacon Siphon and Tunnel on the East High Area, The State of Washington and the Nation. Columbia Basin Development League [1970] [from OA 3897]

Series V: Staff Files, 1968 (1969)-1973
Sub-Series A:
Richard M. Fairbanks Subject File, 1970-1973

Box 120

Agriculture [1971-72] [from CFOA 766] [1 of 3]
Agriculture [1971-72] [from CFOA 766] [2 of 3]
Agriculture [1971-72] [from CFOA 766] [3 of 3]
[Air Quality]--Aircraft Emissions [1972] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Qua1ity]--Auto Waiver [1972] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Qua1ity]--California Waiver [1971] [from CFOA 766]
[Air Quality]--Clean Air Act--Legal [1972] [from 766]
Air [Quality]--Clean Air Act, 1972 [from CFOA 766]
[Air Qua1ity]--Copper Smelters [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Quality]--Ford Suit [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]

Box 121

Air [Quality]--Fuel Additives [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Quality]--Genera1, 1. Correspondence [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Quality]--General, 2. Memoranda [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Quality]--Implementation Plans [I, 1971-72] [from CFOA 766] [1 of 2]
Air [Quality]--Implementation Plans [I, 1971-72] [from CFOA 766] [2 of 2]
[Air Quality]--Implementation Plans [II, 1972] [from CFOA 766] [1 of 2]
[Air Quality]--Implementation Plans [II, 1972] [from CFOA 766] [2 of 2]

Box 122

[Air Qua1ity]--Implementation Plans [III, 1971-72] [from CFOA 766] [1 of 2]
[Air Qua1ity]--Implementation Plans [III, 1971-72] [from CFOA 766] [2 of 2]
Air [Quality]--Lead Tax [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Quality]--Standards [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Quality]--Sulfur Tax [1971] [from CFOA 766]
Air [Quality]--General, 3. Memoranda [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [1 of 5]
Air [Quality]--General, 3. Memoranda [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [2 of 5]

Box 123

Air [Quality]--General, 3. Memoranda [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [3 of 5]
Air [Quality]--General, 3. Memoranda [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [4 of 5]
Air [Quality]--General, 3. Memoranda [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [5 of 5]
Amchitka [1971] [from CFOA 766]
Big Cypress [1971, 1973] [from CFOA 766]
Blackouts [1972] [from CFOA 766]
Blue Plains Treatment Plant [1971] [from OA 14343]
Boston Car [Marc Newkirk] [1971-72] [from CFOA 766]
[1972] Campaign [I] [from CFOA 770] [1 of 5]
[1972] Campaign [I] [from CFOA 770] [2 of 5]

Box 124

[1972] Campaign [I] [from CFOA 770] [3 of 5]
[1972] Campaign [I] [from CFOA 770] [4 of 5]
[1972] Campaign [I] [from CFOA 770] [5 of 5]
[1972] Campaign [II] [from CFOA 770] [1 of 2]
[1972] Campaign [II] [from CFOA 770] [2 of 2]

Box 125

[1972] Campaign [III] [from CFOA 770] [1 of 2]
[1972] Campaign [III] [from CFOA 770] [2 of 2]
[1972] Campaign [IV] [from CFOA 770] [1 of 2]
[1972] Campaign [IV] [from CFOA 770] [2 of 2]
Campaign--Environment [1971-72] [from CFOA 770] [1 of 2]
Campaign--Environment [1971-72] [from CFOA 770] [2 of 2]

Box 126

Council on Environ. Quality [1971-72] [from CFOA 770] [1 of 3]
Council on Environ. Quality [1971-72] [from CFOA 770] [2 of 3]
Council on Environ. Quality [1971-72] [from CFOA 770] [3 of 3]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] [1972] [from CFOA 770] [1 of 2]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] [1972] [from CFOA 770] [2 of 2]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--Annual Report, 1972 [from CFOA 770] [1 of 2]
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]--Annual Report, 1972 [from CFOA 770] [2 of 2]
Cross-Florida Barge Canal [1972-73] [from CFOA 770]

Box 127

DDT Statement [1973] [from CFOA 771]
DENR [Department of Energy and Natural Resources] [1972] [from CFOA 771]
Disaster Relief Program [1972] [from CFOA 1138]
Disasters [1972-73] [from CFOA 1138] [1 of 2]
Disasters [1972-73] [from CFOA 1138] [2 of 2]

Box 128

Disasters--General [1972] [from CFOA 776] [1 of 2]
Disasters--General [1972] [from CFOA 776] [2 of 2]
Disaster--Relief Study [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disaster--Declarations [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disaster--Denials [1972] [from CFOA 776]
[Disasters]--Agnes [1972] [from CFOA 776] [1 of 4]
[Disasters]--Agnes [1972] [from CFOA 776] [2 of 4]
[Disasters]--Agnes [1972] [from CFOA 776] [3 of 4]
[Disasters]--Agnes [1972] [from CFOA 776] [4 of 4]

Box 129

Disasters--Agnes [1972] [from CFOA 776] [1 of 2]
Disasters--Agnes [1972] [from CFOA 776] [2 of 2]
[Disasters]--Holding--Agnes Trip [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disaster--Chlorine Barge, Louisville, Ky. [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disasters--Rapid City, S.D. [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disasters--Sunshine Mine, Kellogg, Idaho [1972] [from CFOA 776J
Disasters--Legislation [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disaster--Press Release [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disaster--Situation Reports [from the Office of Emergency Preparedness, 1972] [from CFOA 776] [1 of 3]
Disaster--Situation Reports [from the Office of Emergency Preparedness, 1972] [from CFOA 776] [2 of 3]

Box 130

Disaster--Situation Reports [from the Office of Emergency Preparedness, 1972] [from CFOA 776] [3 of 3]
Disaster--Materials [Reports to Congress] [1972] [from CFOA 776]
Disasters [Gubernatorial requests for disaster declarations--Materials from White House Central Files, 1971-72] [from CFOA 776]
Domestic Policy Council [from CFOA 771]

Box 131

Economics--Ad Hoc Review Group [1971-72] [from CFOA 771]
Economics--Commerce Proposals [1971] [from CFOA 771]
Economics--Construction Delays [1971] [from CFOA 771]
Economics--Correspondence and Memoranda [1971-731 [from CFOA 7711
Economics--Plant Closings [1972] [from CFOA 771]
"X" [notes on the financing of education, by Richard Fairbanks] [from CFOA 775]
Environmental Message--1972, and Legislative Program [1971-72] [from CFOA 771] [1 of 3]
Environmental Message--1972, and Legislative Program [1971-72] [from CFOA 771] [2 of 3]
Environmental Message--1972, and Legislative Program [1971-72] [from CFOA 771] [3 of 3]

Box 132

Environmental Economics, 3 Materials [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [1 of 3]
Environmental Economics, 3 Materials [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [2 of 3]
Environmental Economics, 3 Materials [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [3 of 3]
[Environmental] Economics, Materials--Vol. II [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [1 of 4]
[Environmental] Economics, Materials--Vol. II [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [2 of 4]
[Environmental] Economics, Materials--Vol. II [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [3 of 4]
[Environmental] Economics, Materials--Vol. II [1971-72] [from OA 10144] [4 of 4]

Box 133

The Environmental Issue--Presidential Involvement [from CFOA 770]
Status Reports [on Environmental Legislation and Litigation, 1971] [from CFOA 774] [1 of 3]
Status Reports [on Environmental Legislation and Litigation, 1971] [from CFOA 774] [2 of 3]
Status Reports [on Environmental Legislation and Litigation, 1971] [from CFOA 774] [3 of 3]
Environmental Protection Agency [1970-72] [from CFOA 771] [1 of 7]
Environmental Protection Agency [1970-72] [from CFOA 771] [2 of 7]

Box 134

Environmental Protection Agency [1970-72] [from CFOA 771] [3 of 7]
Environmental Protection Agency [1970-72] [from CFOA 771] [4 of 7]
Environmental Protection Agency [1970-72] [from CFOA 771] [5 of 7]
Environmental Protection Agency [1970-72] [from CFOA 771] [6 of 7]
Environmental Protection Agency [1970-72] [from CFOA 771] [7 of 7]
Enforcement Program--EPA [Environmental Protection Agency, 1971] [from CFOA 771]
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]--Federal Facilities [1971] [from CFOA 771]
EPA [Envirorunenta1 Protection Agency]--"Reports to Congress II [1971] [from CFOA 771]
RMF--Chronological, Memoranda, January 1971--[July 1971] [from OA 10146]

Box 135

Federal Regional Councils, Weekly Reports [1972] [from CFOA 771]
Funding [of Environmental Programs] [1971-731 [from CFOA 771]
Great Lakes Agreement, U.S.-Canada [1972] [from CFOA 771] [1 of 2]
Great Lakes Agreement, U.S.-Canada [1972] [from CFOA 771] [2 of 2]
Health--[HEW, etc.] [1972] [from CFOA 7711
Hell's Canyon--Snake Nat'l River [1972] [from CFOA 772]
Impact Statements [1971-73] [from CFOA 771]

Box 136

Initiatives [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [1 of 3]
Initiatives [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [2 of 3]
Initiatives [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [3 of 3]
1972 Initiatives [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [1 of 3]
1972 Initiatives [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [2 of 3]

Box 137

1972 Initiatives [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [3 of 3]
Initiatives--C1earcutting [1971-72] [from CFOA 772]
Initiatives--Decision Papers [Returned] [from CFOA 772]
Initiatives--Great Lakes [1972] [from CFOA 772]
New Technology Initiatives ["New NASA"] [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [1 of 2]
New Technology Initiatives ["New NASA"] [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [2 of 2]

Box 138

[Department of the] Interior [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [1 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [2 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [3 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [4 of 5]
[Department of the] Interior [1971-72] [from CFOA 772] [5 of 5]

Box 139

International Agreements [1972-73] [from CFOA 772] [1 of 2]
International Agreements [1972-73] [from CFOA 772] [2 of 2]
Laredo Bridge [1972] [from CFOA 773]
Legislation--General [1972] [from CFOA 773] [1 of 4]
Legislation--General [1972] [from CFOA 773] [2 of 4]
Legislation--General [1972] [from CFOA 773] [3 of 4]
Legislation--General [1972] [from CFOA 773] [4 of 4]

Box 140

Legislation--General [1971-72] [from CFOA 773] [1 of 3]
Legislation--General [1971-72] [from CFOA 773] [2 of 3]
Legislation--General [1971-72] [from CFOA 773] [3 of 3]
Air--Legislation [1971] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--Citizens' Suits, S.1032 [1972] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--Coastal Zone Mgmt. [1972] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--Atkeson--CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Status Reports [1971-72] [from CFOA 773]
Legislation--Land and Water Conservation Fund [to increase authorization] [1972] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--National Land Use Policy [1971-72] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--National Symposium on State Environmental Legislation [1972] [from CFOA 773]
Legislation--Noise [1971] [from CFOA 773]

Box 141

Legislation--Ocean Dumping [1971-72] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--Ocean Mammal Protection Act [1971-73] [from CFOA 773] [1 of 2]
[Legislation]--Ocean Mammal Protection Act [1971-73] [from CFOA 773] [2 of 2]
Legislation--Oversight Hearings Senate Air and Water Pollution Subcommittee [1972] [from CFOA 773]
Legislation--Pesticides [1971-72] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--Prints of Bills--Pesticides [1971] [1 of 3]
[Legislation]--Prints of Bills--Pesticides [1971] [2 of 3]

Box 142

[Legislation]--Prints of Bills--Pesticides [1971] [3 of 3]
Legislation--Power Plant Siting [1971-72] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--Prints of Bills--Pesticides [1971]--Protection of Mined Areas [1971] [from CFOA 773]
[Legislation]--Prints of Bills--Pesticides [1971]--School Lunch Program--Child Nutrition [1972] [from CFOA 773]
Legislation--Toxic Substances [1972] [from CFOA 773]
Legislation--Wilderness [Packwood] [1971] [from CFOA 773]
National Environmental Policy Act [NEPA] [1971-73] [from CFOA 774] [1 of 3]
National Environmental Policy Act [NEPA] [1971-73] [from CFOA 774] [2 of 3]
National Environmental Policy Act [NEPA] [1971-73] [from CFOA 774] [3 of 3]

Box 143

NEPA [National Environmental policy Act] Amendments [1972] [from CFOA 774] [1 of 2]
NEPA [National Environmental policy Act] Amendments [1972] [from CFOA 774] [2 of 2]
National Industrial Pollution Control Council [NIPOC] [1971-73] [from CFOA 774]
National Wildlife Week [1972] [from CFOA 774]
[Department of the] Navy--Environmenta1 Program [1971-72] [from CFOA 774]
Northern Helex v. U.S. [1972] [from CFOA 774]
Off-Road Vehicles [1972] [from CFOA 774] [1 of 2]
Off-Road Vehicles [1972] [from CFOA 774] [2 of 2]

Box 144

Off-Shore Oil Leases [Louisiana] [1972] [from CFOA 774]
Off-Shore Oil Leases--Santa Barbara [1971-72] [from CFOA 774]
OMS [Office of Management and Budget, 1971-72] [from CFOA 774]
Operation Cleanup [1971-72] [from CFOA 774]
PCBs [1972] [from CFOA 774]
Permit Program [1970-71] [from CFOA 774]
Pesticides--General, 3 Materials [1971-72] [from OA 10144]
Pesticides--General, Mirex, 2 Memoranda [1971] [from OA 10144]
Pesticides--Legal, DDT case [1970-71] [1 of 2]
Pesticides--Legal, DDT case [1970-71] [2 of 2]
Pesticides--Legislation, 3 Materials [1971] [from OA 10144] [1 of 4]

Box 145

Pesticides--Legislation, 3 Materials [1971] [from OA 10144] [2 of 4]
Pesticides--Legislation, 3 Materials [1971] [from OA 10144] [3 of 4]
Pesticides--Legislation, 3 Materials [1971] [from OA 10144] [4 of 4]
Pesticides--Legislation, 3 Materials, Vol. II [1971-72] [from OA 10144]
Phosphate [NTA] [1971-72] [from CFOA 774] [1 of 3]
Phosphate [NTA] [1971-72] [from CFOA 774] [2 of 3]
Phosphate [NTA] [1971-72] [from CFOA 774] [3 of 3]

Box 146

Platinum [1972] [from CFOA 774]
Polls [1971] [from CFOA 769]
Quality of Life [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [1 of 3]
Quality of Life [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [2 of 3]
Quality of Life [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [3 of 3]
Radiation [1972] [from CFOA 769]
Kalur v. Resor [the effect of Kalur and Large v. Resor, Ruckelshaus and Clarke on the Refuse Act Permit Program, 1971-72] [from CFOA 765]
RECAT [Regulatory Effects on the Cost of Automobile Transportation, 1972] [from CFOA 769]

Box 147

Republican National Committee [1971-72] [from CFOA 769]
Reserve Mining [Company] [1971-72] [from CFOA 769]
Résumés [other than EPA] [1970-72] [from CFOA 776] [1 of 3]
Résumés [other than EPA] [1970-72] [from CFOA 776] [2 of 3]
Résumés [other than EPA] [1970-72] [from CFOA 776] [3 of 3]

Box 148

Rural Development [1972] [from CFOA 769]
Scott Paper Plant [1971-72] [from CFOA 769]
Roger Showley, Washington Campus News Service [1971-72] [from CFOA 769]
Solid Wastes [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [1 of 3]
Solid Wastes [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [2 of 3]
Solid Wastes [1971-72] [from CFOA 769] [3 of 3]
Stockpiles [1971-72] [from CFOA 775]
Stockpiles-Aluminum [1971] [from CFOA 775] [1 of 2]
Stockpiles-Aluminum [1971] [from CFOA 775] [2 of 2]

Box 149

Stockpiles--Titanium [1971-72] [from CFOA 775J
Supertankers [1972] [from CFOA 775]
Transportation [1972] [from CFOA 775]
U.S. v. Texas [re maritime jurisdiction, 1972] [from CFOA 775]
Water Bill--Conference Materials [1972] [from CFOA 765]
Water Bill [Army] Corps [of Engineers] Materials [1971] [from CFOA 765]
Water [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [1 of 5]
Water [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [2 of 5]

Box 150

Water [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [3 of 5]
Water [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [4 of 5]
Water [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [5 of 5]
Whales [1972] [from CFOA 775]
White House Staff Lists [1971] [from CFOA 775]
Wilderness Proposals [1971-72] [1 of 3]
Wilderness Proposals [1971-72] [2 of 3]
Wilderness Proposals [1971-72] [3 of 3]
Wilderness Executive Order [1971-72] [from CFOA 775]
Wilderness Report--1972 [from CFOA 775]

Box 151

Youth Programs [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [1 of 7]
Youth Programs [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [2 of 7]
Youth Programs [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [3 of 7]
Youth Programs [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [4 of 7]
Youth Programs [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [5 of 7]
Youth Programs [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [6 of 7]
Youth Programs [1971-73] [from CFOA 775] [7 of 7]

Sub-Series B: Richard M. Fairbanks Personal File, 1968 (1969)-(1971) 1972

Box 152

Chronological File--RMF-9/17/69-11/30/69 [from OA 7537] [1 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chronological File--RMF-9/17/69-11/30/69 [from OA 7537] [2 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chronological File--RMF--12/1/69-1/14/70 [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chronological File--R. M. Fairbanks--1/15/70-4/30/70 [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chronological File--R. M. Fairbanks--5/1/70-6/30/70 [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chronological File--R .M. Fairbanks, 7/1/70-8/31/70 [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chronological File--R. M. Fairbanks, 9/1/70-10/31/70 [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chronological File--RMF, 11/1/70-1/22/71 [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
RMF--Chronological, Correspondence, January 1971-[Ju1y 1971] [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Administrative Committee--RMF [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn am Returned]
Administration--Policy Matters [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Antitrust [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Asbestos [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Beryllium [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Black Mesa, 1 Correspondence [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Black Mesa, 2 Memoranda [from OA 101461 [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Black Mesa, 3 Materials [from OA 10146] [1 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Black Mesa, 3 Materials [from OA 10146] [2 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Low Emission Vehicle Certification Board [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Air--Low Emission Vehicle Certification Ed., 3 Materials [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Associates Committee--RMF [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Braniff--Mohawk Customs Cases [Fairbanks File] [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Chicago and Northwest Commodity Clause [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Clark Oil--Pipeline [from OA 7538] [withdrawn and Returned]
Columbia University--R. M. Fairbanks [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Computing and Software, Inc. v. Charles H. Hamby, Jr., et. al., RMF [Plaintiff's Documents] [from OA 7537] [withdrawn and Returned]
Computing and Software, Inc. v. Charles H. Hamby, Jr., et. al. [from OA 7537] [withdrawn and Returned]
Computing and Software, Inc. v. Charles H. Hamby, Jr., et. al. [Materials], RMF [from OA 7538] [1 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Computing and Software, Inc. v. Charles H. Hamby, Jr., et. al. [Materials], RMF [from OA 7538] [2 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Computing and Software, Inc. v. Charles H. Hamby, Jr., et. al. [Materials], RMF [from OA 7538] [3 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Davis Advisory-MIW [Mortgage Investors of Washington] [Fairbanks] [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Richard M. Fairbanks, Ill, Travel [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Falls City Brewing Company [R. Fairbanks] [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Federal Securities Law Reports [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Gerbro Corporation [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Integrated Resources--RMF [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Intermark [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
International Protocol, Inc. DF [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Interviewing Committee--RMF [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
ICI [Investment Company Institute] [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
ISI [ISI Trust Fund] [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Leasing Consultants Inc., R. Fairbanks [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Library Chronicle--A and P [Arnold and Porter], RMF [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
LTV--Class AA Dividend Problem, R. M. Fairbanks [from OA 7538] [1 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
LTV--Class AA Dividend Problem, R. M. Fairbanks [from OA 7538] [2 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Madison National Bank--DF [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Maisonave, Armando--Fairbanks [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Martin Marietta [Fairbanks] [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Memoranda--Interoffice [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Mavis v. Prescott--[Fairbanks] [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
NASC [National Aeronautics and Space Council]--Job Retraining Program, 1 Correspondence [from OA 10144] [Withdrawn and Returned]
New Thing-- R. Fairbanks [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Oshkosh Savings and Loan, RF [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Personal-- R. Fairbanks--General [from OA 101451 [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Ackerly Correspondence [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
[Pesticides, DDT Position paper] [from OA 10145] [1 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
[Pesticides, DDT Position paper] [from OA 10145] [2 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Pine Bluff, 2 Memoranda [from OA 10145] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Eagles [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--FIFRA [Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act], Rules of Practice [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--FTC [Federal Trade Commission] [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, Amitrole [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, DDT, 1 Correspondence [from OA l0146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, DDT, 2 Memoranda [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, DDT, 4 Hearings [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, DDT, 5 Advisory Committee [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, [Dr. Emil] Mrak Committee [Hazardous Materials Advisory Committee], 1 Correspondence [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, [Dr. Emil Mrak] Committee [Hazardous Materials Advisory Committee], 2 Memoranda [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, [Dr. Emil] Mrak Committee [Hazardous Materials Advisory Committee], 3 Materials [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, [Dr. Emil] Mrak Committee [Hazardous Materials Advisory Committee], 4 Notes, Drafts and Extra Copies [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, Organization [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, PRO [Pesticides Regulation Division] Actions [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, Zectron [from OA 10l46] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--General, 2, 3, 5-T, 2 Memoranda [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--International [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Legal, Aldrin and Dieldrin [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Legal, General [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Legal, Mirex [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Legal, NOR-AM Case [NOR-AM Agricultural Products, Inc., eta ale v. Clifford M. Hardin] [from OA 10146J [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Legal, Statutes [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn am Returned]
Pesticides--Legal in re Stearns Case [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Lega1, 2, 4, 5-T Case [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Legislation, 1 Correspondence [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Legislation, 2 Memoranda [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Papers, Notes, Drafts, Extras--DDT Paper [from OA 10145] [1 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Papers, Notes, Drafts, Extras--DDT Paper [from OA 10145] [2 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pesticides--Pine Bluff, 3 Materials [from OA 10145] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Personal--WRMF [Fairbanks' Father] (RMF) [from OA 10145] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Personal--Lawyers Task Force (RMF) [from OA 10145] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Personal--R. Fairbanks, Southeast Asia [from OA 10145] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Personal--Urban League Membership Drive 70 (RMF) [from OA 10145] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Personal--RMF-Resumes [from OA 10144] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Pro-Bono Survey [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Press--Daily Clips thru April, 1971 [from OA 7538] [1 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Press--Daily Clips thru April, 1971 [from OA 7538] [2 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Press--Daily Clips thru April, 1971 [from OA 7538] [3 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Press--Daily Clips--May, 1971-[July 1971] [from OA 7538] [1 of 4] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Press--Daily Clips--May, 1971-[July 1971] [from OA 7538] [2 of 4] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Press--Daily Clips--May, 1971-[July 1971] [from OA 7538] [3 of 4] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Press--Daily Clips--May, 1971-[July 1971] [from OA 7538] [4 of 4] [Withdrawn and Returned]
WDR [William D. Ruckelshaus]--Speakers, Statements [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Speaking Engagements and Conferences [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Speaking Engagements, Conferences, Materials [from OA 10145] [1 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Speaking Engagements, Conferences, Materials [from OA 10145] [2 of 2] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Sumner Intern Program [from OA 7538] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Summer Clerk Administration--RMF, 1970 [9020 001] [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Travel--R. M. Fairbanks [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Union Carbide--SEC Matters [from OA 10146] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Mathew Walker--Pro Bono (R. M. Fairbanks) [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
Weekly Report--R. M. Fairbanks [from OA 7537] [Withdrawn and Returned]
West Mexico Vegetable Distributors Association (Tomatoes), RF [from OA 7537] [1 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
West Mexico Vegetable Distributors Association (Tomatoes), RF [from OA 7537] [2 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]
West Mexico Vegetable Distributors Association (Tomatoes), RF [from OA 7537] [3 of 3] [Withdrawn and Returned]

Sub-Series C: L. Edwin Coate Subject File, 1970 (1971)-(1971) 1972

Box 153

Action Requests [1971] [from OA 10145]
Breeder Reactor [Empty] [from OA 14343]
Briefings [1971] [from OA 14343]
Briefing Materials [1971] [from OA 14343]
Camp David Initiatives [1971] [from OA 14343]
Canniken [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
C and O Canal Park [1971] [from OA 14343]
Coate, L. Edwin [1971] [from OA 14343]
co*cktail Party, White House [1971] [from OA 14343]
Congress--Polls, Records, Lists [1971] [from CFOA 770]
Conservation Gp., March 18, 3:00, RR [Roosevelt Room] [from OA 14343]
Conventions [1971] [from OA 10145] [1 of 2]
Conventions [1971] [from OA 10145] [2 of 2]
Cross Florida Barge Canal [1971] [from OA 14343]
Culebra [use of, by U.S. Navy, 1971] [from OA 14343]
Delta Peripheral Canal [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
Domestic Programs--New [1971] [from CFOA 1294]

Box 154

Earth Week--1971 [from OA 14343] [1 of 2]
Earth Week--1971 [from OA 14343] [2 of 2]
Energy Message [1971] [from OA 14343]
Environmental Message [1971] [from OA 10145]
February 3, [1971?], 9 [a.m.] and 2:00, Environmental Message [from OA 14343]
Environmental Poster [1971] [from OA 10145]
EnviroPlan, Inc. [1971] [from OA 10146]
Accessing Properties [1971] [from OA 14343]
Falcon [a logging industry development program, 1971] [from OA 14343]
Forms [Scheduling, Legislative] [from OA 101451
Game Plan [for Environmental Legislation, 1971] [from OA 14343]
Gateway East [proposed National Recreation Area, 1971] [from OA 14343]
Green Christmas [Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, 1971] [from OA 14343]
Groups--Environmental, Conservation, Producer, Civic [1970-71] [from CFOA 770]

Box 155

Isaac Walton League Convention [1971] [from OA 14343]
Memos to Project Managers [1971] [from OA 14343]
NASA--Engine [search for a non-polluting engine, 1971] [from CFOA 1294]
National Association of Manufactures Program [1971] [from OA 14343]
National Pollution Control Conf. and Exposition [1971] [from OA 14343]
June 10, [1971], 2:00, VP Conference on Noise; June 9, 2:00, Roosevelt Room, Noise [from OA 14343]
Parks to People Program [1970-71] [from OA 14343]
Pesticides [briefing for state officials and representatives of concerned associations], RR [Roosevelt Room], March 10, [1971], 10:00, March 17, [1971], 10:30 [from OA 14343]
Political Issue [1971] [from CFOA 10145]
Possible Speaker Events [1971] [from OA 10145]
Project Managers [Environmental Legislation, 1971-72] [from CFOA 1294] [1 of 3]
Project Managers [Environmental Legislation, 1971-72] [from CFOA 1294] [2 of 3]
Project Managers [Environmental Legislation, 1971-72] [from CFOA 1294] [3 of 3]

Box 156

Public Affairs Offices [1971] [from OA 10145]
Publications [1971] [from OA 10145] [1 of 2]
Publications [1971] [from OA 10145] [2 of 2]
Requests for Speakers [1971] [from OA 10145]
Southwest Drought [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
Student Committees for Environmental Legislation [1971] [from OA 10145]
Target 80 [Statement of Environmental Objectives, 1971] [from CFOA 1294]
Tennessee Tombigbee Project [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
Texas Project, Congo Collins [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge [Radiotelephone Act, 1971] [from OA 14343]
March 11, [1971], 3:45 RR [Roosevelt Room], Water Bills [from OA 14343]
Wetlands [1971] [from CFOA 1294]
White House [1971] [from OA 10146]

Series VI: Printed Material, 1971-1972

Box 157

Fundamentals of Noise: Measurement, Rating Schemes, and Standards, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]
Noise from Construction Equipment and Operations, Building Equipment, and Home Appliances, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]
State and Municipal Non-Occupational Noise Programs, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]
Summary of Noise Programs in the Federal Government, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]

Box 158

The Economic Impact of Noise, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]
Community Noise, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]
Transportation Noise and Noise from Equipment Powered by Internal Combustion Engines, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]
[The United Nations and the Human Environment] [from OA 9245]

Box 159

An Assessment of Noise Concern in Other Nations, Volume 1, December 31, 1971 [two copies] [from OA 9245]
["Man's Home," a packet of pamphlets issued in connection with the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, June 5-16, 1972] [from OA 9245]

John C. Whitaker (White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files) (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.