How John Fogerty Achieved a Net Worth of $90 Million (2024)

How John Fogerty Achieved a Net Worth of $90 Million (1)

As one of the most distinct and recognizable voices in the music world, John Fogerty has had a long and prolific career in and out of the recording studio. From his original band, Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR), to his solo career, the musician has solidified his name as a rock legend. Keep reading to learn how much a successful rocker like John Fogerty is worth.

Rocky Start to a Successful Music Career

While still in high school, Fogerty’s brother, Tom, assembled what would eventually be called Creedence Clearwater Revival. The band would undergo some name changes to The Blue Velvets and The Golliwogs. Eventually, Tom handed over the reins to John, changing the band’s future forever.

Did You Know That John Fogerty Served in the Military?

If you’re familiar with the music artist’s early work, you’ll know that some of his songs made political statements. Yet not many people know that Fogerty enlisted in the Army. He trained to be a supply clerk and served as a part-time reservist before he was discharged.

While he wasn’t going to get rich from his service, it proved to be gold when he wrote his future music. From fun covers to political statements, the band’s momentum was about to soar with the help of John’s songwriting and singing skills.

The Cover Song That Broke CCR Into Mainstream Music

Anyone familiar with CCR’s music might have forgotten that their first, somewhat successful mainstream song was a cover of Dale Hawkins’Suzie Q. The song made it to #11 on the American music charts. While the cover was well-done and catchy, it couldn’t have prepared the music scene for what the band was about to bring with their next album.

Bayou CountryTakes the U.S. by Storm

Once you’ve heard John Fogerty’s voice, you won’t forget it. Combine his raw, gravelly passionate singing with killer melody and lyrics, and you’ve got CCR’s 1969 release,Bayou Country. The album combines the blues, southern rock, and topical lyrics, making it an album for the everyday man.

Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Prolific Yet Short Career

It’s hard to imagine that a band that put out song after song that people love and remember only lasted for a few short years. WhileBayou Countryis the stand-out album for many fans, they released several more during their time together as CCR, including:

  • Creedence Clearwater Revival,released in 1969
  • Green River, releasedin 1969
  • Willie and the Poor Boys,released in 1969
  • Cosmo’s Factory,releasedin 1970
  • Pendulum,released in 1970
  • Mardi Gras,released in 1972

Add these to theBayou Country release, and that’s seven albums recorded and released in a four-year period. Not many bands have that kind of productivity, and it’s easy to see how it can add to a performer’s net worth.

John Fogerty Went on to a Successful Solo Career

Once CCR was disbanded, Fogerty didn’t stop making music. While he wasn’t releasing new music nearly as frequently as he was when part of CCR, he still made showings on the Billboard 200 chart. They include:

  • The Blue Ridge Rangers, released in 1973
  • John Fogerty, released in 1975
  • Centerfield, released in 1985
  • Eye of the Zombie, released in 1986
  • Blue Moon Swamp, released in 1997
  • Premonition, released in 1998
  • Deja Vu All Over Again, released in 2004
  • The Long Road Home, released in 2005
  • Revival, released in 2007
  • Rides Again, released in 2009
  • Wrote a Song for Everyone, released in 2013

Fogerty has a loyal following that brings him success. Those fans know they will always get a thoughtfully written and recorded album. This has to ensure the rocker’s net worth is steadily rising.

What About Nominations and Awards?

Fogerty has more appreciation from his fans than from industry awards. For all of his work, he’s been nominated for Grammys seven times and won once forBlue Moon Swampas the Best Rock Album. He’s also been given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, giving his fans a place to visit and honor his work.

Making Touring and Music a Family Affair

John Fogerty is still touring as of 2023. You can get tickets to his shows on hiswebsiteor through various concert ticket venues.

Fogerty now plays with his sons on stage. You can catch Shane and Tyler alongside Fogerty if you’re lucky enough to see them live.

You can also catch Fogerty onYouTube,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,andTikTok. You’ll have access to his music and some content with his family members.

Playing a Music Festival With Some Pretty Talented Friends

In August 2023, Fogerty will join legendary rockers like Willie Nelson, Kathleen Edwards, and more. The Outlaw Music Festival will take place in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Visit theevent’s websitefor more details.

Success Despite Legal Battles and Catalog Rights

When Fogerty was a member of CCR, they were signed with Fantasy Records. They signed a deal with Saul Zawentz, who held the rights to all of CCR’s music.

Fogerty fought to get the rights to his band’s music for decades until the rights were sold to Concord, who reinstated Fogerty’s artist royalties in 2023.Variety.comreports that Concord will retain the master recording of CCR but will direct Fogerty’s share for an unspecified amount of time.

The fact that Fogerty has been able to be successful without access to the royalties of his early career is astounding. Now that he’s rightfully able to access these royalties, his net worth should also grow.

Driving a Vehicle Worthy of His Hippie Roots

John Fogerty spent some time a few years ago showing Jay Leno his Classic 1968 VW bus, according The rocker customized the bus to his liking and filled the interior with vibrant colors and his favorite memorabilia. It perfectly represents where Fogerty came from and how it got him to where he is today.

Brief Appearance as an Actor

If you want a glimpse of the rocker in the movie,Maverick, from 1994, he’s uncredited as a street spectator. There’s no word on if Fogerty was compensated for his part, but this kind of publicity never hurts the bottom line.

Settling Down in Scottsdale, Arizona

After living in California for years, Fogerty secured himself a home at the Four Seasons in Scottsdale, AZ, alongside celebs like Alice Cooper, David Spade, Charles Barkley, and other recognizable names.The Los Angeles Timesreported that he paid $1.3 million for the home set on 1.38 acres.

The home gives residents access to three pools, a 24-hour gym, and a spa. Fogerty sold two of his other properties before investing in this one, making it appear that he’s found a place to call home when he’s not on the road.

What IsJohn Fogerty Net Worth?

Despite ongoing legal battles over his rights and royalties, Fogerty has been able to amass a net worth of about $90 million.Now that he has access to royalties from his early work and continues to record and play music, there’s no reason that number won’t grow over the coming years.

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How John Fogerty Achieved a Net Worth of $90 Million (2024)
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